Kaytee Soft Granule Small Pet Bedding

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Kaytee Soft Granule Blend Small Pet Bedding consists of soft, highly absorbent micro pellets made of wood fibers recycled from paper production. Instead of being discarded, the fiber is converted into a non-toxic, earth-friendly cage substrate for small animals, reptiles and birds.

  • Environmentally friendly small pet bedding
  • Great nesting material
  • High absorbency and odor control with minimal dust

This premium bedding contains no aromatic oils or inks and is safe to flush for easy disposal. It is sanitized to aid in bacterial control and helps control ammonia, reducing odors from pet waste. It's great for use in any cage, nest boxes and baby bird nurseries! The package is resealable to preserve freshness and keep pests out.

Made in the USA.

Instructions: Fill cage with approximately 1-2" of loose product. Clean cage at least once per week. Remove all bedding and wash cage with a mild soap solution. Rinse cage thoroughly with clean water to ensure the removal of soap residue.